Sage BenefitsSage Benefits

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Sage Benefits to Healthy Living

Sage is a relative to the mint family. It is common for Sage to be ground, whole or rubbed but is generally in more of a coarse grain. Sage is grown in the United States but is also grown in Albania and Dalmatia. Sage is a very popular herb in the United States and is used quite frequently for flavoring such things s sausage, pork, lamb, and other meats, salads, pickles, cheese, and stuffing. The smell of Sage is very aromatic and distinct. Learn more!

Sage loves to hang around in the kitchen with Thyme, Rosemary, and Basil. They work very well together. Sage is normally one of the main herbs in stuffing for poultry but is often added to lamb and pork dishes as well. Sage is very strong and should be used sparingly as a little goes a long way. Sage, like many other herbs develops its full flavor the longer it cooks and withstands lengthy cooking times which might be why it is so good when used in the stuffing for the Thanksgiving turkey that cooks for about five hours.
If you grow your own Sage you will find that all you have to do is snip off the tops of the plant with scissors and add it right to your favorite recipe. Sage is still at its best when dried but if you prefer just simply place the fresh Sage leaves in a baggie in the freezer and pull them out as required. 

Today, Sage has no medicinal purposes to speak of but back in a different time Sage was used regularly to cure snake bites and was also used to invigorate the body and cleanse the mind. In the middle ages it was quite common for people to make a Sage tea and drink it for ailments such as colds, fever, liver trouble, and epilepsy.!

Although there is nothing to solidify these claims it is also said that a chewed Sage leaf applied to a sting or an insect bite will reduce the sting and bring down the swelling. Sage tea has been said to soothe a sore throat and also help in drying up a mother’s breast milk and also reduces blood clots. Further it has been known to help with itching skin if it is added to hot bath water. Today, it is mainly the Native Indians who still rely on the herbal powers of Sage.

The word Sage means salvation from its Latin origin and is associated with longevity, immortality, and mental capacity. Sage never loses its fragrance even after being dried out so it is often added to potpourri and is also added to many soaps and perfumes. It has been used in insect repellents and has antibacterial properties which have helped it become a preservative for many things such as meats, fish, and condiments. Sage has a musky smoky flavor and works very nicely for cutting down some of the richness in many foods. It also goes great with almost any vegetable too. Sage is definitely an herb that most people almost always have in their pantry if they do any cooking at all. 

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Home Improvement TipsHome Improvement Tips

Tampa housing market


1. Think of the project as a new diet.  Who doesn’t want to lose at least five pounds?  This is one way to do it.  Between running to stores all day and evening long, meeting with contractors, inspecting the work, searching the Western world for the perfect light fixture, who has time to eat?  Provided you don’t sabotage this new, unorthodox diet plan, with McDonalds drive through, you’re good for losing five pounds. If you are a masochistic type who does some of the work yourself – whether it be painting, laying tile, landscaping the yard – you can count on another five to ten pounds of weight loss.  Just think, you may be miserable, frustrated, exhausted, nd down right cynical about the good of the humankind, but your jeans will fit nicely!

2. Write checks as aerobic exercise.These workouts are great for toning the wrist and fingers.  Usually done in hectic spurts as you race out the door in the morning while the contractors are breathing down your neck and your kids are beating each other with the lunch boxes you just prepared, the stress and frantic activity are sure to raise your heartbeat for a good hour.  Grumbling under your breath that the plumber, electrician, or you name it, isn’t really worth this much money adds greater intensity and calorie burn to this little publicized exercise regime.

3. Save money through shopping burnoutYes, even the most die-hard shopper will come to dread setting foot in any store.  This affliction starts innocently enough as you go to look for light fixtures. How hard can it be?  Hard! Either the light you want is being shipped from Yugoslavia and won’t arrive until your youngest child buys his own home, or you just can’t find the one you want.  You’ll shop every lighting and electrical store you know. You’ll search Home Depot. You’ll haunt hardware stores. And then there’s plumbing fixtures. Sink centers, faucet handles, finishes, special orders. What’s all that about?  And the cost. You’d think you were outfitting the palace for a former third world dictator.  Of course, there’s carpet, tile, hardwood, stairs, siding, windows. Learn more at the Tampa Florida Housing Market.  Enough already. And you thought it was a pain picking mints and sweet table treats for your wedding.  

After your 1000th trip to Home Depot (or Lowes or Menards or whatever), in addition to all the other trips you’ve made for items that shouldn’t count as shopping (toilet seats, for example), you’ve had it.  Your friends won’t be able to bribe you to check out the latest sale at Bloomingdales.  You’ll think it will be better when you can pick out “fun” things like paint, wall paper, drapes, fabric, furniture – but don’t bet on it. At this point, the pressure to make your home look like something other than an empty rat maze will counteract any joy in shopping. Spending this much money has never been such a miserable experience.  As a result, when your home becomes half-way presentable, you’ll refuse to shop again – even for groceries – for at least six months.  The money you save during this shopping hiatus will be sufficient for you to resume this previously pleasurable past time once more without guilt. Learn more at the Real Estate Market in Tampa Florida!

4. Impress your friends with obscure facts.Only someone that has built or remodeled their home can explain the fluid dynamics of a proper toilet water swirl.  Or cite the International Building Code that calls for no more than 6’ between electrical outlets.  Or brag that triple glazed windows are really the wave of the future for light emitting device technology.   

5. Pride yourself on your new creative skills.You’ll discover a creative side that you never knew existed.  Like how to wash dishes in the bath tub.  And how to make a full course meal for a family of four using nothing more than a toaster and hot plate.  Or how to fit an entire family in a house smaller than your first apartment.  They say that necessity is the mother of invention. That’s probably true, but I also think that the only thing that separates modern and pioneer life is just one kitchen or bath remodeling project.

6. Yell at someone other than your kids – and not feel guilty.Honestly, as a modern woman trying to juggle the running of our homes, possibly a job, and the future Olympic soccer aspirations of our children, you have the primal need to yell. At someone. Anyone. Often our spouse and children suffer from this need of ours to release pent up negative energy generated from nothing more than some miniature human leaving smelly gym shoes on the kitchen table. (Ok, that probably deserves a bit of yelling – we eat at this table!)  But when you remodel your house, you have a whole cast of characters – and believe me, they’re characters – that often deserve a good scream from time to time.  Like when they tell you that they tore out the fireplace because they didn’t think it looked right.  Or when they show you a mistake made three weeks ago that now requires half the house to be torn down in order to fix.  Yelling isn’t immature or a result of too much estrogen, it’s therapy.

7. Throw out (finally) your significant other’s treasured [fill in the blank] from his bachelor days.You know what I mean. It could be the semi-nude poster he won’t get rid of. Or his collection of exotic beer cans. Or all of his Sports Illustrated magazines since the Chicago Bears last won the Superbowl.  Now is the perfect time to get rid of it.  If you need to move out of your house while the remodeling is done, or you are moving to a new home, such an opportune time may never occur again. Say it won’t fit in the rental house. It’s either this or his golf clubs. Gently remind him that the sentimental item really serves as a reminder of his advancing years.  Anything. Get rid of it.  It will be one positive you can remind yourself of when the stress of remodeling makes you feel that this project was the biggest mistake of your life.

8. Grow closer to your family through forced bathroom sharing.The saying goes that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Perhaps that wise pundit had to share a closet sized bathroom with three kids and a spouse.  In reality, there’s no greater way to create intimacy in a family than by all trying to get ready for the morning in the same 7’x 5’ space.  You’ll learn new exciting things about your children – like toilet paper is purely optional for little boys.  You’ll discover that there is no bond quite like the one created when the entire family brushes their teeth together over the same sink.  You’ll realize why the older generation of your relatives only washed their hair once a week instead of facing communal bathroom time.  But most importantly, you’ll no longer need to yell at your kids to hurry up for school – they’re standing right next to you.

9. Earn free flights from all of your purchases.In what is admittedly (and somewhat sheepishly) the only practical survival tip on this list, get an airline mileage credit card. Charge everything on it – lights, plumbing fixtures, windows, doors, lumber, carpet.  The windows alone can get you close to one free trip.    Whether you decide to share your miles with anyone else in the family or to escape on your own to a world of quiet solitude and, preferably, an open bar, is entirely up to you.

10. Hire some good looking contractors and feel like you’re 15 years old again.Hey, guys get a whole chain of restaurants and bars where the main attraction is busty waitresses in tight t-shirts (Hooters). Why can’t us gals have some eye candy once in a while?  Besides, it’s a productivity tool.  You’ll be more likely to inspect the job or meet the architect if some young, fit, good-looking men are there – especially in the summer months when shirts tend to become optional.  For example, we once hired a roofing crew of male model wannabees for a house we built. My husband called them the “Beefcake Roofers.”  They created quite a stir in the neighborhood that summer.  Let me tell you, it made rushing to stop by the house to go over notes with the trades first thing in the morning a bit more interesting … and much more fun!
Finally, remember, the end result of your new house will be worth the aggravation of the process. Plus, think of all the good stories you can tell!




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A Quick and Simple Guide to Web 3.0A Quick and Simple Guide to Web 3.0

It is a worldwide knowledge that internet has been a vital part of not just the technological industry, but of society as a whole. This usefulness paved the way for further development of the known internet today, and come up with different ideas that can facilitate exchange of information in a faster and much safer way. With web 1.0 that showcased information to the users, and the well-adored web 2.0 which enabled people to share their sentiments online, the next evolution of internet is now available – the web 3.0. Utilizing blockchain technology and tools of decentralization, web 3.0 is becoming the new face of Internet.

But before this idea of the third version of web set in, once upon a time in the 90s, Tim Berners-Lee envisioned a fascinating web of data, which was referred to as semantic web. This extension of the existing World Wide Web aims to provide software programs with machine-interpretable metadata. This became the very foundation of today’s known Web 3.0. 

You may notice that the sites you visit are usually owned and managed by corporations and even regulated by the government. Data is not distributed and relies on a single central server. With the aim to be free from government and company controlled internet, web 3.0 was developed. Combining the web 1.0 users’ autonomy from internet giants, and the interactivity gained from the web 2.0, the web 3.0 will be utilizing decentralized systems to accommodate its users while maintaining user interaction. Information and data collected from its end-users are not stored nor managed by huge tech companies. Rather, they are scattered throughout the internet, where it is more accessible for users wherever they may be. The process of data transfer will be registered in a digital ledger, which is referred to as a blockchain to encourage transparency and to hinder abuse.

But what is blockchain and how can it support web 3.0?

According to IBM, blockchain is a decentralized, immutable ledger that makes it easier to record transactions and track assets in a network. It is supported by the concept of encryption and distributed computing. Encryption allows only the authorized user to access the data stored in the blockchain. While distributed computing means the data is shared across many servers, and only allows access when a particular copy is the exact information stored on the other. Overall, these two helps blockchain to store data in a way that only the person who owns it can control the information, even if it is stored in a company owned server. And what’s more interesting is, even if the server is shutdown, the owner still have access to it because is also stored on hundreds of different computers that it is stored on. 

There is still a governing body, the Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO), which is a group bound by rules and regulations coded into a blockchain. Stakeholders of DAO will be the deciding factor, as no individual can change rules without permission. This also eliminates the use of “middle men” like lawyers and accountants for transactions. 

But huge names in technology industry expressed their hesitations in Web 3.0. Elon Musk even stated that Web3 “seems more like a marketing buzzword than a reality right now”. Likewise, Former Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey said that Web3, being owned by VCs and LPs, is “ultimately a centralized entity with a different label.

According to Radian Social, some examples of applications that use Web 3.0 are Bitcoin, Diaspora, Steemit, Augur, and Uniswap.

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